Aaron R. Stephens

Why does this feel like a dating profile?  I love being outdoors hiking, sitting around a campfire or better yet fly fishing, hitting up LaGree workouts, two doodles named Max and Sammie.  I’m passionate about setting the captives free in Jesus.  I will have always have a special place in my heart for orphans and those children who have been exploited into any form of human trafficking as I believe it is one of the greatest injustices of our time.  I love helping others take up the fight for their heart and truly believe that God can set them free.  

More About Me

For most of my life I appeared to have a pretty good life a successful career, great church and a loving family. I’d always been active in the church as I led small groups and went on mission trips. I believed in God but I felt like I needed to in order to get the life I thought I wanted. He was my ace in the hole to make my selfish dreams come true. It was also comforting to know that I had my “get out of hell” ticket in my back pocket. He was a backstop to the things I couldn’t do myself and since by the world’s standards I had a good thing going I thought eternal life was the only thing God offered that I couldn’t get on my own. But underneath it all, was a growing pain in my heart. It was a wound from the past that my mind desperately tried to repress; all the while my heart was drowning in despair. Have you ever tried to hold a beach ball under water?  Well, that’s what my heart was trying to do and the beach ball kept getting bigger and

 bigger and the water deeper and deeper. By ignoring the wound little did know that I was rotting from the inside out.  Living one way on the outside and feeling another way on the inside can only last so long. Finally, my life collapsed, professionally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The pain overwhelmed me and life became unbearable.  When it all came crashing down my false self did nothing but show me the error of my ways.

Throughout it all, I wish I could say I always had hope but I didn’t. I wish I could say it was easy, but it wasn’t. I wish I could say I knew I was going to live through it, but I didn’t. But God…I love those words. He was there and my battling did not go unnoticed. He was crying with me, battling for me and guiding me with every step. There are still really hard days but our suffering isn’t for nothing. His glory shines brightest in the darkest of places.

As the healing progressed it became blatantly obvious that there was an enemy who desperately was against me facing my wounding and becoming the man God created me to be. The battle for my heart and soul was intense, and some of things I experienced I thought were only real in movies and some of those crazy Bible stories. The battle is not just about having that extra beer that takes you over the edge, or buying that house or car just to make you feel good about yourself or just being a good person. It’s about being free, restored and healed from your wounds. It’s about accepting the battle for your soul and fighting for your heart. For me it was fighting suicidal thoughts, admitting I needed help and going to counseling, facing my wounding, replacing lies with truth and inviting God into the places of my heart that I wanted no one to see including myself and accepting His love.

Once you experience His love you can’t help but be changed. My relationship went from working for Him to working with Him, from knowing about Him to truly knowing Him. I didn’t know there was a better life. I didn’t know I wasn’t living, I was just surviving. It’s like driving with a foggy windshield your whole life, if you never knew any different, than it just seems good enough. God loves you unconditionally. There isn’t anything you can do to have Himlove you anymore or any less than He does right now. Your life has purpose and meaning and God has a special plan for you. Don’t wait until your life comes crashing down like me to risk it all for Him. Don’t spend another day, not living God’s best for your life. Give it all to Him and He will meet you wherever you are at. His invitation is freedom and restoration, not just in Heaven but right here right now. Whatever you are facing, no matter how big it may appear, God is bigger still. Take a step towards Him and fear not. The King is here right now. He is good. He is love. There’s nothing that will stop His love from chasing you down. May His love sustain, His grace comfort you and His promises give you the courage to press on.

Farley the OG...RIP

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